National Rifle Association of Australia
Drug Policy
Last Updated: 18 March 2009
23.1 Position Statement
23.1.1 The NRAA recognises the Australian Sports Drug Agency (ASDA) as the responsible body for the control and detection of drug taking in our sport.
23.1.2 The NRAA recognises that ASDA may select any competitor to provide a sample who;
a) is selected to compete for Australia in an international sporting event, or
b) competes in an international sporting event in Australia, or
c) is a possible selection to compete for Australia, or
d) receives Commonwealth financial support either directly or through the NRAA, or
e) uses Commonwealth facilities, or
f) has recorded a positive test result and is currently under suspension by his State Association or NRAA, or
g) is a member of the NRAA which has contracted with ASDA for drug testing its members.
23.1.3 A member may be selected to provide any number of samples for drug testing in a year, whether in or out of competition.
23.1.4 The NRAA recognises International shooting organisations as agencies responsible for procuring samples for testing in or out of competition, whether in Australia or overseas, for the detection of doping practices, provided acceptable testing procedures approved by ASDA and IOC accredited laboratories are used.
23.2 Sanctions
23.2.1 Prior to determining any sanction against a competitor alleged to have committed a doping practice the competitor shall be invited to attend and be heard by the promoting body. Failure to attend and be heard by whatever reason does not invalidate the right of the promoting body to impose a sanction in accordance with this policy.
23.2.2 Competitors found guilty of committing a doping practice shall be ineligible for membership of, funding by, holding office in, representing or competing in events and competitions conducted under these Rules and shall be suspended for a period of two years for the first offence with life suspension for a subsequent offence, provided that the promoting body may in its discretion impose a suspension for a
period of three months for a breach of this doping policy where the analysis of the sample reveals the presence of a prohibited drug which has been taken orally as a cough suppressant, pain killer, decongestant or antihistamine and the promoting body is satisfied that it was not taken for the purpose
of enhancing sporting performance but shall not impose a suspension for a lesser period than any sanction imposed by an international shooting body on that person.
23.3 Notice of Sanction
23.3.1 Written notice shall be given to the member so suspended.
23.3.2 Notice shall be given to all State Associations and to the ASC and the ASDA.
23.4 Review of Sanction
23.4.1 Where a member, to which a sanction has been applied under this doping policy, has new and relevant
information concerning the breach, he may make written application to the EO of the NRAA setting out the grounds for a possible review of that sanction. The NRAA may consider the application and may after following the procedures in Rule 22.5.1 alter any decision made previously including a reduction or withdrawal of the sanction but will not be less than a suspension currently imposed on the person by an
international shooting organisation. Any change to the previous decision will be notified in accordance
with Rule 22.
23.5 Professional Disclosure
23.5.1 This doping policy does not intend to require any medical practitioner or sports scientist or psychologist or other person in a position of professional confidentiality with a member to make disclosure about the member’s personal affairs or medical condition that is unrelated to the member’s fitness to train or participate in shooting competition or does not involve a breach of this doping policy.
23.6 Member’s Responsibility
23.6.1 It is the responsibility of individual members to be free of prohibited drugs as a published by the ASDA and should any doubt exist as to the taking of permissible drugs for health purposes members are
advised to use the ASDA Hotline for advice. The telephone number is 1800 020 506.