In over 160 years of shooting competition in Australia there have been a number of different types of target systems along with numerous scoring ring changes as well as changes in the methods of marking.
This document is intended only to define some basic historical details of the target types used in Australia and does not seek to describe every change to targets or to their dimensions made over the years.
For the most part, targets that were being used in competitions by the Australian Militia, Militia Rifle Clubs and Civilian Rifle Clubs were based on those targets being used by the NRA UK at Wimbledon and Bisley or as dictated at the time by the Australian Military Authorities to the local/State Rifle Associations.
The earliest targets of the 1800s appear to have been made from wrought iron while canvas and paper targets co-existed in the mid to latter part of the century.
Modern targets use materials such as corflute and the introduction of electronic targets and marking in fullbore target shooting has now become the norm.
Aiming mark and scoring ring sizes have changed many times over the years and continue to be amended as decided by the various shooting control bodies and are currently being set under the International Confederation of Fullbore Rifle Associations (ICFRA).
Iron Plate Targets
Some of the earliest targets used by the militia and early rifle clubs were made of sheets of wrought iron. In some instances the shot was scored by simply indicating a hit or a miss, the sound of the bullet hitting the iron plate being the indication.
The aiming marks on iron plate targets were not always round. Square or oblong shapes were also used.
Later on, aiming marks and scoring rings were included and after each shot the marker, usually housed in a dugout (mantlet) near the target, would use flags or coloured pointers to indicate the value of the shot and paint out the hits.
It was also reported in several newspaper articles that markers sheltering in their dugouts were sometimes injured by splinters of the lead projectile so it could be a risky job.
An article[1] in the Australasian in 1926 reprinted from the “NRA Journal” from an interview with a veteran Bisley marksman:
“When Mr. Caiger first went to Wimbledon the targets were of wrought iron or steel, supported on a base of stone or concrete, and further stiffened with steel struts. The marker was screened by a mantlet of iron or steel made bulletproof with earth or by some other convenient means. The first marking was with flags then discs were brought into use, and were placed on the portion of the target struck. Then the marker would come out from the mantlet and clean the target. An improvement was made by the introduction of a brush on the back of the disc, so that marking and cleaning out could be done at one and the same time, and there was no need for the marker to leave the protection of his mantlet. The bull was four points, and was marked by a white disc, the centre was three points, and was marked by a red disc, and the outer was two points, marked by a black disc; the ‘magpie’ was a subsequent invention. It was marked by a black and white disc, and from that got its name.
The “ringing bullseye” was invented because it was often so dangerous to come out to clean the target that the markers would not do it until the competition was over. For this reason a separate piece of steel like a gong was suspended in place of the solid bull. When hit this would give forth a clear ringing sound that could be heard a long distance over the common.”

And from an 1859 article in the South Australian Advertiser[2] we have a further description:
The target, which is of stout iron, about four feet in height and three in width, is placed upon the ground in an erect position in the centre of the butt. The target is whitened, and a circle of about two feet in diameter is made in the centre with black paint, about an inch in width; in the centre is what is termed “the bull’s eye,” indicated by a circular spot of black paint, of about four inches in diameter, and at this point all the shots are directed, additional scores being recorded for those who are sufficiently good marksmen to strike it. The scorers, as we may term the parties in the building, command a full view of the target from their place of security, and the result of the shots is communicated by them to the parties firing and to the spectators by means of flags should the ball strike the target, but if it does not no flag is hoisted thus, should the ball strike the target outside of the circle, a white flag is hoisted:
should it go within the circle a blue flag, and should it strike the bull’s eye, a red and white flag indicates the fact. Should the scorers require to inspect the target before being enabled to determine the precise point which a ball struck, a red flag is hoisted as an intimation for firing to cease until the examination has been concluded, and the destination of the ball announced. It is necessary that the parties firing should be extremely careful in observing when the red flag is hoisted, otherwise the parties who emerge from the “stone jug” for the purpose of examining the target, would be placed in a very dangerous position. It is, indeed, only in reference to this point that after closely watching the arrangements we are of opinion that something additional, to guard against accident, is required.

Automatic Scoring Targets
We find a number of articles in Australian Newspapers describing the testing of automatic targets as early as 1904. An article in 1907[4] gives a clearer description of the operation of one type of Automatic Target.
Most of these targets appear to be mechanical in operation however the example article was operated electrically.
Canvas Targets and Paper Faced Targets
Canvas targets were sometimes referred to early on in their use as Swiss targets, with the use of the material probably originating there. Paper was also used to cover a target frame typically over a hessian base and in more modern times, corflute has been used.
These were seen to be safer than iron targets as the projectile did not shatter when struck.
Markers standing in the butts would indicate the shot position with a coloured cardboard marker on a peg placed in the shot hole and indicated the shot value to scorers with a coloured wand or plaque displayed at a designated position on the target.
First Class Targets
We see references to the term “First Class” targets[5] used both for iron targets and for canvas/paper faced targets. First Class appears to refer solely to targets used at the longer ranges of 800, 900 and 1000 yards with the typical target dimension of 8’ x 6’. The “Class” system also appears to have been used to rate shooters abilities and competition sections that they qualified for.
Second Class Targets
Similar in construction to the First Class targets, “Second Class” targets were those used at 500, 600 and 700 yards.

Third Class and Tin Hat Targets
“Third Class” targets were used at 300 and 400 yards. The target dimensions were 4’ x 4’ and a “Tin Hat” aiming mark was often used. The half circle black aiming mark resembling a tin hat (helmet) as worn by soldiers. The colours[6] of the Tin Hat targets were of Sand colour lower half and Buff coloured top half for the shorter ranges. Where a Tin Hat aiming mark was used for the mid-ranges the colours were Sand colour lower half and Grey top half.
Disappearing Targets[7]
Disappearing targets[8] typically refers to target mounting systems where the target is withdrawn from view to be marked, then raised again for the next shot. The marker stands under the protective mantlet waiting for each shot to be fired. See the section on Canvas and Paper Faced Targets. Various size targets could be held in the same mounting frame and is still a well-used method of presenting targets for shooting competition.
Various designs were favoured. One design and its variations used a mechanism like a “sash window” where the target was mounted on one frame and with a counterweights on the opposite side or like a sash window, to the sides of the frame. The target was raised and lowered by a marker. This type of frame is in current use at ANZAC Rifle Range, Sydney.
Another type of frame used a “see-saw-like” mechanism, the target being raised and lowered by the marker with the aid of a counterweight on the other end of the see-saw.

For ease of reading: (From our own Correspondent) Macarthur, Monday.
During the past six months the visiting teams to our ranges have spoken in the highest of terms of “Our Bobs” moveable or disappearing targets. When the Port Fairy club were here they also congratulated the club and commented the inventor upon the success of his invention and as an outcome of their visit Mr. R. Robertson, the inventor, has been instructed to supply and erect a full set at Port Fairy for their club. These, l am informed, will be on improvement on ours. They are to be erected to carry all sizes of targets from 4×4 to 12×12 and Mr Robertson may be intends erecting a set of targets second to none in the Commonwealth.

Below is an extract from NQRA History – So You Went Rifle Shooting. Courtesy of Bruce Scott.
Major Haldane’s Target – counter-balancing with sliding carriage. This was a machine on which canvas was mounted on a vertically sliding, counter-balanced carriage. Over time the wooden target frame system was further developed by using all steel construction. The Major Haldane designed target frame is still employed on many Australian rifle ranges today.

Electronic Targets
While electronic targets had been around for some time it was the early 2000s before they were being used in Australia for Fullbore Target Rifle shooting. The first systems known to be used were made by Kongsberg and they have been in use in Australia for more than 20 years. A number of other systems such as HEXTA, Silver Mountain and ShotMarker have now become readily available.
The newer electronic target systems can include live viewing during competition, downloading of a shooters scores, printing and saving of scores, etc. Some systems allow shooters to review their groups online at a later time.

It is clear that a wide variety of targets have been used for long range shooting since the mid 1800s. These targets have evolved from being large fixed metal targets to ‘disappearing’ targets (made of penetrable material) and now electronic targets of various designs. The introduction of the electronic target has seen a significant enhancement in safety insomuch as there is now a minimal requirement to have people in the target gallery while shooting is occurring.
It is acknowledged that this article has not captured all the types/styles of targets used in Australia over the long history of the NRAA long range shooting sport. Readers who have additional target information are invited to share that information with Gary Somerville email: or Bruce Scott email: All relevant new information will be included in an updated version of this article in due course.