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Nominations Call

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2026 Australia Match – U25 Team – Equipment (barrel) Purchase

Barrel Purchase – Assistance to U25 Athletes Nominating for Australia Match   The NRAA Board has agreed to support the Australian Under 25 TR team for the 2026 Australia Match by pre-purchasing a number of team barrels. These can:  Be purchased by team...

2026 Australia Match – U25 Team – Selection Trials

U25 Australia Match Team – Selection Trials – March 2025   Trials for the Under 25 Australia Match are to be held in March 2025.   Click here for information on assistance with purchasing a new rifle barrel. To encourage Under 25 members to nominate and to...

Call for EOI’s – NRAA IT Project Committee

The NRAA is seeking appropriately experienced persons with IT skills and expertise to form an IT Project Committee. The IT Project Committee will be tasked with scoping and involved in implementing a new website, online membership system, events program, and OPMP...

Call for Nominations – Team Captains – Australia Match 2026

Interested persons should make themselves familiar with the requirements of the role which is outlined in:   ICFRA Australia Match rules Australian Rifle Team Policy NRAA Competitions Policy (p16) Click here for the Nomination Form - Captain

NRAA 2023 Annual General Meeting

The 2023 NRAA AGM is being held on Sunday 5th November at 1pm.   As part of continuing to develop the capacity of the NRAA, nominations for Director are being sought from individuals with experience as Board directors and/or executive roles in...