The Perth Fremantle Rifle Club’s Inaugural Lithgow Cup was won by Ethon Kearney from the Carnarvon Rifle Club. The competition was held on Sunday 11 June at the Pinjar Range and was the first Sporting/ Hunting Discipline (now called Sporter Discipline) focused prize meeting in Australia. Young Ethon shot a perfect 175 (with 24 centres) over 3 matches at 700m.

Congratulations to Luke Sproull from Beverley and Steven Greenhill from Nowra both with 175.21 who came second and third.
The full results are on the NRAA website:
A big thanks to ‘Lithgow Arms’ and ‘Barry and Son Firearms and Military Collectables’ (who were our major sponsors. Young Ethon picked up a brand-new Lithgow rifle as his prize. Ethon gets his named engraved on the perpetual trophy which features a Lithgow .303 rifle donated by ‘Barry and Son Firearms and Military Collectables’.
Club Captain, Brett Boneham, thanked the 42 shooters who came from far and wide in WA and NSW to be part of this historic event. Brett also thanked the Bassendean Bellevue Rifle Club for the use of their Silver Mountain targets to complement our own, the MDRA bar manager Jodie Hitch and the Pinjar Foodies for keeping everyone fed and well supplied with refreshments.
Planning is already underway for a bigger Lithgow Cup prize meeting for 2024.