The NRAA’s F Class Teams match was held at the Canberra Rifle Club, Hector McIntosh Range from 18th to 20th November 2024. It was a fantastically attended Match with teams from 8 of NRAA’s members able to attend. All F Class Disciplines of FSTD, F Open and FTR were represented with 18 teams entered.

A big congratulations from NRAA to all winning teams which were spread across a range of states including QRA, NSWRA, SARA and NQRA. In addition, QRA won the combined aggregate of all F Class Disciplines.
Great work from the following Individuals who were the winners of Top Shooter and their Coach in Match 4.
Shooter: Jamie Clayton (South Australia)
Coach: Malcolm Hill
Shooter: Rob Griffith (Queensland)
Coach: Jason Mayers
F Open
Shooter: Kris McNamara (North Queensland)
Coach: Stephen Lazarus

A fabulous dinner was held at the end of the competition with over 200 in attendance. NRAA is looking forward to its next F Class Team’s Matches in May 2025, which is being held at Townsville, and hosted by North Queensland Rifle Association (NQRA). These events are key practice and development events for our F Class World Championships Teams, with the next F Class World Championships being held at the National Shooting Complex, Bisley, UK in August 2026.

NRAA would like to thank ACT FBTR for its great hosting of the event and our State & Territory members for their fabulous support in entering their teams.