During the Second World War, beginning in May of 1940, the Returned Services League undertook to organise a volunteer organisation for national defence if it...
Sport History
The 1937 Bisley Team & John Woolcott-Forbes
An Australian Rifle team was sent to Bisley in 1937 containing some notable shots in the form of Pat Lee, Hilton James, and Percey Pavey. The full team was:...
Victorian Rifle Association – The Founding Committee
The first movement towards the formation of the Victorian Rifle association appear in a newspaper Letter to the Editor[1] of 1st October 1860 in The Argus....
Ladies Bracelet Shoots – 1885 to 1955
During the period 2016 to 2018, North Queensland Rifle Association (NQRA) clubs provided photographs they thought might be suitable for inclusion in the NQRA...
The New South Wales Rifle Association of 1860
From the 1850’s onwards it was perceived that the colonies should take some responsibility for their own security. The presence of the French in the Pacific,...
Frederick George Harrison
Frederick George Harrison was born 1882 in Mt Gambier, South Australia to parents Thomas Lawrence Harrison and Emily Agnes O’Brien. Other children in the...
Recent Posts
The William Fraser Shield
Introduction: The impressive ‘William Fraser Shield’ was presented by William Fraser while a member of the Cairns Rifle Club. The trophy is awarded for the Inter-Association Teams Shoot – North Queensland versus South Queensland with the first year of competition...