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2021 Ravenshoe/Mount Garnet Annual Prize Shoot

Oct 18, 2021 | Competitions, Member Association News, NQLD, Open Prize Meetings

By Liz Wilson

The Ravenshoe/Mt Garnet Annual (except for 2020) Prize Shoot was held on 19th September 2021 at the Ravenshoe Rifle Range. It was attended by 34 intrepid shooters from Mareeba, Atherton, Cairns, Ayr, Townsville, Bowen and Ravenshoe who braved inclement weather conditions (at first) and merciless winds.  The wind was incredibly difficult to read – there was no mirage and the flags were flying every which way.  Not easy conditions.

This was Ravenshoe’s first Prize Shoot to be shot on electronic targets.  Ravenshoe uses Shotmarker targets and there were four targets used: two at 600yds and two at 800m simultaneously from the same mound. One nice feature of the Shotmarker, thanks to the advanced software, is the ability to better understand what happens to shots that miss the target. During the Prize Shoot one shooter reported a miss, when the target menu was checked the shot was recorded as “shot above the target”.

Betta Gianasi used her well-honed skills to squad up the 34 shooters into 600 yards and 800 metres x 15 shot lines. 

At 600 yards range medals were taken out by:

TR1:     Trevor Deed (74.5), Bob Boulter (72.11) and Mark Beecham (71.4).

TR2:     Dudley Ford (71.3), Gary Moss (69.5) and Rick Mischlewski (68.5).

FS1:      Lance Matthews (87.4), Travis Kohn (85.2) and Bill Krowmik (84.7).

FS2:      Jason Kupke (87.7), Trixie Loesche (86.6) and Murray Wilson (82).

FO: Brett Perry (88.6), Marty Lobert on count-back (87.5) from Ralph Loesche (87.5)

F/TR:    Karl Vorderwinkler (88.50), Stephen Lazarus (86.4) and Andrew Cecoline (84.3)

After a short lunch break, shooting resumed when the sun came out and winds settled for the 15 x 800m shoot:

TR1:     Mark Beecham (73.4), Bob Boulter (70.5) and Trevor Deed (69.3).

TR2:     Dudley Ford (71.4), Gary Moss (68.3) and Rich Mischlewski (61.2).

FS1:      Lance Matthews (83.2), Travis Kohn (83.1) and Charlie Lazarus (81.2).

FS2:      Patrick Kupke (80.3), Jason Kupke (80.2) and Trixie Loesche (79.3).

FO:       Brett Perry (90.6), Josh Cox (89.4) and Tony Salmon (84.2).

F/TR:    Andrew Cecoline ((86.5), Stephen Lazarus (85.6) and Garry Sandilands (81.3).

The Aggregate Winners should take pride in their achievements under trying conditions.  But then, if it was easy…. everyone would do it.  Honours go to:

TR1:     Mark Beecham (144.8), Trevor Deed (143.8) and Bob Boulter (142.06).

TR2:     Dudley Ford (142.7), Gary Moss (137.8) and Rick Mischlewski (129.7).

FS1:      Lance Matthews (170.6), Travis Kohn (168.3) and Bill Kromwik (162.9).

FS2:      Jason Kupke (167.9), Trixie Loesche (165.9) and Murray Wilson (161).

FO:       Brett Perry (178.12), Josh Cox (177.10) and Marty Lobert (173.9).

F/TR:    Stephen Lazarus (171.10), Andrew Cecolini (170.8) and Karl Vorderwinkler (166.5).

Ravenshoe/Mt Garnett Rifle Club thank everyone involved in enabling this shoot to eventuate – all the workers and our Range Officer, Paul Padgett, and we hope next year (COVID enabled) we will go ahead with Herberton on the Saturday and Ravenshoe on the Sunday. It’s wonderful that shooters came together and resumed the camaraderie that we so enjoy.  See you all in 2022!

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