The weekend of 20 – 21 May witnessed 46 shooters compete for the Golden Bullet Prize Meeting, held at the Coolilup Range in Capel, WA . The competition, which was organised and run by members of the Busselton-Bunbury Rifle Club is essentially a long range shoot, where competitors shoot a combination of 10 and 15 shot matches over 700m – 900m with a total of 90 counting shots fired over the 2 days.
Conditions turned out to be conducive to good scores. Saturday was bright and sunny with a slowly increasing easterly breeze, while Sunday was mainly overcast with a slightly more difficult north-easterly coming in over the shooter’s left shoulder. Under these conditions the more canny wind readers came to the fore at the 900m matches.
In summary:
Target Rifle was won by Shayne McDonald of the Albany Club with a score of 444.45, with Manjimup’s Mark Milentis second on 440.42 and Garry Craigie of Yarloop taking out third badge with 439.45.
Beverley’s Cathy Keogh was the clear winner in F Standard with a score of 530.36, followed by Graham Oates of Busselton-Bunbury on 523.27 followed by club-mate Ric Palandri on 516.24.
F Open saw Busselton-Bunbury’s Brad Day take out the honours with a score of 537.38. Boddington club member Craig Whittleton was second with a score of 534.49 and Chidlow shooter Carl Edwards took the third badge with a score of 534.44.
F/TR was claimed by Bill Hallam of the Beverley club, returning a score of 529.36, with Waroona’s Roger Brown second with 521.41. Gordon Neil from Perth-Fremantle was third on 518.30.
Keiran Bourke of the Busselton-Bunbury club headed a strong field of Sporter/Hunter shooters to win the top badge, going clean for the meeting with a score of 450.50, followed by team-mates Dion Hudson on 448.61 and John Hohnen who scored 442.43.
Golden Bullet Discipline Winners 2023