On the 27th of May the Loxton Rifle Club held a 22 Rimfire Steel Challenge which was shot from 100, 200 and 300yds.
A total of 18 shooters turned out on a cool breezy day at Loxton which had some tricky fish tail winds later on the afternoon which tested shooters during the 300yd range.
The competition was broken down into 2 classes, “Standard Factory” which is aimed at the older model Brno #1 and #2’s with thin contour barrels and “Open” which caters to the later model .22’s from CZ, Lithgow, Bergara with varmint contour barrels and also allows aftermarket stocks, chassis etc.
Scores were tight with both classes being decided by 1 hit (5 points) in the grand aggregates. Ray Pash (right) won the Standard Factory class with 170/300 just ahead of Jason Willett on 165/300. Regan Liebich (left) won the Open class with a score of 235/300 just edging out Luke Stoeckel on 230/300. Full results at bottom of report.

Overall, the event ran smoothly thanks to the efforts of the Loxton members chipping in where needed and a great time was had by all who attended.
The Loxton Rifle Club would like to thank Mick and Tayna Punturiero for their generous donation of a coffee machine for a door prize and Dicerbo Vineyards for the prizes, as well as the competitors for supporting our club with their attendance.