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National F Class Teams Championships – September, 2019

Feb 10, 2020 | Competitions, F Class, National Teams, NRAA News

Article by George Wittorff

18 teams from across seven Associations met at the Western Australian Rifle headquarter’s Pinjar range to compete at the F Class National Teams Championships over 23 and 24 September.

Visiting shooters were genuinely surprised and impressed with the facilities and range set-up at Pinjar.  Under cover gear storage and cleaning rooms, assembly area and state of the art bar/dining room are first class, while the seventy-two lane single firing point, with three galleries, provides the first timer with a wonderful impression.

127 shooters and coaches spent two days of intense competition in cool sunny weather coupled with trying conditions for which Pinjar has established a reputation.  Mornings consistently produced east/north easterly winds, followed by a late morning swing through north then to roughly westerly in the afternoons.

At all stages of the wind movements, coaches quickly discovered that the accompanying mirage often seemed to have its own agenda, with brackets of change seemingly out of sync with the flags.

Coaches used the phrase ‘being Pinjar-ed’ on more than one occasion during the course of the two days.

Nevertheless, some outstanding coaching and shooting was evident throughout the matches with some excellent team and individual results, as can be seen in the accompanying Results Tables.

Congratulations and thanks to the WARA for organisation prior to and during the competition, including EO Sarah Hoglin, NRAA EO Catherine Berry, and CRO Wayne Oldfield and range crew.  Issues were few, but were dealt with efficiently and effectively as they arose.

The comparative strength of F Class shooting around Australia can be seen by the fact that no one Association dominated the event.  Overall winners for each discipline were spread, with the Grand Aggregate trophies being taken by QRA (F TR), VRA (F Open) and WARA (F Std).

Similarly, the top coached individual awards were award to:

QRA members Andrew McKillop/Denis Aarons (F Std)

WARA members Courtney Day/Brett Bunyan (F Open) and

VRA members Don Laughton/Rod Mahon (F Std)

Congratulations to all winning teams, click below links for full results:

National F Class FTR Teams Results 2019

National F Class Standard Teams Results 201

National F Class Open Teams Results 20

Check out the gallery below:

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