ACT hosted the National TR Teams matches in Canberra this year on the 50th anniversary of the first NRAA Queen’s Prize held there in 1972. Entry numbers for the RA Rolph lead up exceeded 160, with over 260 competitors taking part in the ACT King’s Prize. This indicates the benefits to host Associations of welcoming NRAA National Teams matches across our various discipline formats.

With a field of seven States and Territories, it was very pleasing to see Western Australia competing away from home this year and the WA Association are commended on the foresight to field a development team containing several junior shooters. With the Under 25 competition being put aside this year, the inclusion of younger team members was a common theme across most teams. This indicates that junior TR shooters can be quickly fostered to competition level with the appropriate technical guidance and mentoring. However, we also need to consider how best to provide an appropriate pathway for junior development, across all disciplines, and this will be a topic for discussion at the Member’s Forum next January.
NSW, Victoria and Queensland had a close battle in the Merrett Match and the Sweet Grand Aggregate, with NSW prevailing. ACT shot steadily to go clean in the 15-shot Denzil Macarthur-Onslow match, their first win since 2007. South Australia then dominated the final two matches and secured the Gordon Highlander trophy as well.
The next National TR Teams matches will be hosted by NQRA in Townsville in May 2024.