The Perth Fremantle Rifle Club held a night competition on 23 March 2024 and attracted 30 entries from country and city clubs. There were a few changes to the event this year with shooters firing 15 and 10 shot applications over 500m. To spice up the night, wind flags were not provided. This didn’t deter F Standard champion Marlon Reid from achieving a 90.10 and a 58.3. His judgement of the light breezes was equalled by Sporter champion Ron Lean with a 75.10 and 50.9.

Perth Fremantle thanks all those that travelled from other clubs, the members of Bassendean Bellevue Rifle Club who provided their targets to add to ours, and the team that served refreshments.
The full results are:
500m x15 shots
F Standard: M. Reid 90.10, J. Hitch 88.8, N. Carver 87.6, W. Brown 85.3, M. Brown 80.4,
Sporter: R. Lean 75.10 (count back), D. Clover 75.10, L. Cartledge 75.8, R. Turner 75.7, Z. Cunning 74.6, M. Ahdelmalac 74.5, B. Garrett 73.12, K. Puzey 73.8, B. Boneham, 73.6, C. Comley 72.6, J. Naude 71.4, S. Heydenrych 70.1, R. Raab 69.4, J. Van den Elzen 68.4 (count back), A. Arran 68.4, G. Leslett, 68.3, J. Stubb 64, T. Swan, 61.1
Target Rifle: I. Frehner, 68.3, S. Crago 65.3, T. Jeffery 63.4
FTR: D. Bliss 87.10, G. Neil 81.8, P. Ridgway 70
F Open: V. Cullen 88.6
500m x10 shots
F Standard: J. Hitch 58.3 (count back), M. Reid 58.3, N. Carver 56.4, W. Brown 53.3, M. Brown 49,
FTR: D. Bliss 59.6, G. Neil 58.2, P. Ridgway 57.1
F Open: V. Cullen 56.2
Sporter: K. Puzey 50.9 (count back), R. Lean 50.9, J. Van den Elzen 50.7, B. Garrett 50.6 (count back), L. Cartledge 50.6, G. Laslett 50.5 (count back), S. Heydenrych 50.5, R. Raab 49.4, M. Abdelmalac 49.3 (count back), A. Arran 49.3, B. Boneham 49.3, J. Naude 48.6, C. Comley 48.4 (count back), J. Stubb 48.4, R. Turner 47.9, T. Swan 47.4, D. Clover 45.5, Z. Cumming 45.1,
Target Rifle: I. Frehner 48.4, T. Jeffery 48.2, S. Crago 38