New South Wales won target rifle shooting’s top teams match, “The Merrett”, at the McIntosh Rifle Range, Majura, on Tuesday. Out of a possible team score of 2,000 points, the results were: NSW 1968; VIC 1958; QLD 1954: SA 1942; ACT 1934; NORTH (NT/NQ) 1905; and WA 1904.

Each of the seven State and Territory teams fielded 10 firers, 2 wind coaches and other officials in the day long match. Each firer fired 10 shots to count at each of 300m, 600m, 700m and 800m.
The cold, variable westerly breeze that played havoc on Sunday at the conclusion of the ACT King’s Prize was influential again in “The Merrett”.
NSW were definite favourites heading into the match with 11 of their 14 team members featuring in the sovereign badge list for the top 25 in the King’s.
Although Victoria had NSW’s measure at both 300m and 700m, with one range to go NSW was still 2 points in front. NSW then powered away to a 10 point overall victory after the 800m range.
The ACT Rifle Team performed brilliantly with several B and C graders under coach often matching the best in the country. The ACT won 700m range outright, which is a great feather in their cap.

The event is named for Colonel Sir Charles Edward Merrett (1863-1948) a Melbourne merchant and soldier, who was also prominate as an administrator of the target rifle movement in Australia.