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NRAA Policy Updates

Apr 16, 2024 | Administration Update, Announcements, NRAA News

NRAA has been restructuring its website to ensure its Policies – including those approved by Sport Integrity Australia (SIA), are…

NRAA has been restructuring its website to ensure its Policies – including those approved by Sport Integrity Australia (SIA), are prominent and easy to find. In addition, a page called Integrity and Info Hub have been introduced and information included in:

  • About Us
  • Competitions
  • News

have been re-arranged and updated.

NRAA is now recognised on the SIA website as a sports organisation who has adopted to National Integrity Framework. It joins Shooting Australia, Pistol Australia and Target Rifle Australia as recognised SIA shooting sports

As part of recognition, NRAA is now providing information to members regarding its integrity polices and complaints process, aiming to assist members on what to do when they have concerns about their sport.

In addition, information about:

  • the role of the National Integrity Framework is provided
  • Ani-Doping – what’s ok and what’s not
  • How to report an Integrity Concern
  • Who Manages Complaints

    If you visit Info Hub, you’ll learn about:

    • Safeguarding
    • Education and eLearning
    • History of NRAA and how to tell us about more history!
    • NRAA’s Insurance Policies
    •  Incidents and how to report

    NRAA wants our sport to be enjoyable, safe and fair for all. It can be as competitive as each member would like it to be, from a Saturday afternoon catch up and social interaction, to all the way with selection to international teams!

    Where ever you want long range target rifle shooting to take you!

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