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Barry Saunders (1939-2020)

Jun 3, 2020 | Obituaries

Article by Rodney Winwood

Mr. Barry Saunders passed away on the 12th of April 2020, he was aged 81.

Barry was a well respected rifle shooter who started shooting with the TRA back in 1957. His first club was Evandale which he became captain and a Life member, later on he joined Campbell Town rifle club serving for a time as their President. Barry was awarded Life Membership to the TRA in 2014. Barry was a keen smallbore shooter and was a member of the Launceston VDC Smallbore and Air Rifle Club for over 50 years. He was awarded Life Membership in 2001.

Over the years Barry would travel all over the state shooting all the prize meets and was a strong team member and coach, spending time with the younger and up coming shooters.

In recent years Barry would turn up t our prize meets enjoying the company of his club mates and helping out in the kitchen.

Barry was a top shooter and has left his mark on shooting in Tasmania and will be sadly missed.

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