NRAA 2024 Trans Tasman success
NRAA congratulates the 2024 Trans Tasman teams who had great success at the recent competitions held in New Zealand. The teams were able to win the 2024 Trans...
NRAA National Precision Service Rifle (PSR) Championships – Results
The inaugural NRAA National Precision Service Rifle (PSR) championships were held last weekend in Canberra, with competitors attending from ACT, Queensland,...
Team Announcement – NRAA TR Team – 2024 Imperial Meet, Bisley UK
Call for Nominations – Australian U25 F/TR Team and U25 F Open Team – F Class World Championships – Bisley, UK 2026
For more information regarding the F Class World Championships and its Teams formats, please click here. Click here for the CAPTAIN Nomination form Click here...
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2020 National Come and Try May …
2020 National Come and Try May - Get on Board National Come and Try May is back! Time has come again to jump on board and register for 2020 National Come and Try May (NCATM). In 2019, 104 clubs across Australia participated in NCATM, exposing our sport...
Commonwealth Games 2022 – Exciting Outcome for Shooting
The NRAA has received notification from Shooting Australia’s President, Cath Fettell, that the Commonwealth Games Federation (CGF) Executive Board, at their meeting in London on 21-23 February 2020, approved the Commonwealth Games India (CGI) proposal, supported by...
Mt Vince Range Reopened
NQRA are pleased to announce that after two and a half years the Mt Vince Rifle Range is open for shooting. Today the 23rd February will be the first shoot since its closure , with the new Hexta Targets fitted members will be able to access their results live. NQRA...
Members Update #50
Ammunition and Strategic – Piers Cambridge Projectile Levy. At the members workshop it was agreed by the S&T to cease the levy on projectiles and increase fees as a fairer mechanism to raise revenue for the NRAA. Only F Standard and TR shooters (and those that...
Nominations – F Open and FTR Rutland Teams
The NRAA are calling for suitable candidates to nominate for the F Class Open and FTR Rutland Teams Matches being contested alongside the F Class World Championships being held in South Africa 2021. Teams will consist of 1 Team Captain 1 Adjutant/Manager 4 Shooters 1...
Chairman’s Message
Dear Members, I trust that you have all enjoyed the Christmas festive season, understanding that for many of us it was a very stressful period due to the fires. Fortunately, thus far the damage has been constrained to two ranges, with only a few of our members having...
Australian F Class Open Rifle Team – World Championships, South Africa 2021
The NRAA is pleased to advise and congratulate the following team members on their successful selection in the Australian F Class Open Rifle Team to South Africa. The following Team is selected: Captain: Dennis Shallis Manager:...
Australian FTR Rifle Team – World Championships, South Africa 2021
The NRAA is pleased to advise and congratulate the below team members on their successful selection in the Australian FTR Rifle Team to South Africa. Captain: Rod Mahon Manager: Betta Gianasi Coaches: Chris AllmanBrett BondGeoff Willis Shooters (in alphabetical...
Nominations – Australian Under 25 Rifle Team – Australia Match, 2021
The NRAA are calling for suitable candidates to nominate for the Australian Under 25 Rifle Team . This Team will represent Australia in the Australia Match being held in Bisley in July 2021. From the nominations received a High Performance squad will be selected and...
National F Class Teams Championships – September, 2019
18 teams from across seven Associations met at the Western Australian Rifle headquarter’s Pinjar range to compete at the F Class National Teams Championships over 23 and 24 September. Visiting shooters were genuinely surprised and impressed with the facilities and...
NRAA Bisley 2020 Squad Announcement
The NRAA is pleased to announce the following squad for Bisley, 2020. CAPTAIN: Jim Bailey MANAGER: Catherine Berry SQUAD MEMBERS: Mitchell Bailey Adam Beale Angus Bell Tim BerryDavid BrewsterMark BuchananRob CaddenJames CorbettTrevor DeedBen Emms Anthony Fassilis Neil...
New SSR’s – Version 7.0 as at 1st January 2020
A new set of SSR’s has been posted. They are current as at 1st January 2020. Please see here:
NRAA Board and President Appointments 2019
The NRAA are pleased to announce the appointment of Piers, Matt Pozzebon and Tina Thornhill as Directors of the NRAA. Piers, Matt and Tina have been appointed for a full term of three (3) years. The NRAA Board is made up of: Piers, Craig McGowan, Matt Pozzebon, Tina...
Captain – Australian Ladies TR Tri-Nation Team, NZ 2021
The NRAA is pleased to advise the appointment of Donna Negus to the position of Captain of the Australian Ladies TR Tri-Nation Team competing in the Ladies Tri-Nation Match being held in New Zealand in January 2021 Craig McGowan Competitions Director