A good roll up of 78 shooters from all over Australia with very good conditions apart from an early fish tail mirage resulted in some spectacular scores.
R.O. Peter Hewlett did a very good job running the shoot and the NQRA members that helped with the new Hexta targets and monitors were greatly appreciated.
The range looked magnificent and the numbers for this shoot will help keep the coffers ticking over and help with the very high maintenance of this complex. Support for this prize meeting is imperative as it is the main source of income for the Townsville Marksmen Club and this range is the backbone of the NQRA.

Mark Buchanan from Roseville Club was the winner of Target Rifle A. with 149.16 just beating Kym Muller/ Mt Gambier with 149.11 and Don Thomson/Natives 3rd 148.20.

T-Rifle-B. A great win for the young 17 year old Sampson Gee from Darwin with 148.15. Peter Camm Pacific 2nd 147.13 and Andrejis Ozolnieks 3rd 144.14

F-Std-A Were the kings of F-Class with the first three shooters not dropping a shot, Melanie Power/ Pacific was the eventual winner 180. 16 counting out Henk Doggen/ Beaudesert 2nd 180.16 and Carl Lohne/ C.Q.Ts. 3rd 180.14

F-Std-B Winner was Joe Koch/ Bundaberg Burnett 172.07. 2nd Carol Hulett/Geelong 172.05 and Anthony Duffield Townsville Marksmen 3rd 168.14.
F-Open 1st Place Jenni Hausler/ 1000yd Benchrest 179.17. Dutchy Lisiewicz 2nd 178.12 and Brian Potter/Brisbane Mariners 3rd 177.21
F-TR 1st Place Robert Griffith/North Arm 178.11. 2nd James Roughan /Mackay 177.16. and 3rd Tim Lawrence/Mackay 177.08.
PC-O. 1st Place went to Tim Ackers/ TMRC with an amazing 150.26. from his team mate Patrick Pike in 2nd place and Andrew McCulloch/ Cairns 3rd 149.18

The Club has now tried PC Standard last year and PC open this year to trial the numbers and most likely will have both disciplines available next year.