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Biathlon Development Camp in Italy

Dec 26, 2021 | Biathlon, Member Association News

Biathletes from Canberra Rifle Club and NSW Rifle Association (USI Club) recently attended a 10 day biathlon training Camp in…

Biathletes from Canberra Rifle Club and NSW Rifle Association (USI Club) recently attended a 10 day biathlon training Camp in Italy. The Camp was held by the International Biathlon Union for nations who are classified as developing biathlon and was a great opportunity for our young NRAA member biathletes.

Those attending from NRAA included 3 athletes and 2014 Sochi Olympic biathlete Lucy Glanville, who was selected as the coach for the team.  

Samuel JohnsonCanberra Rifle Club
Phoenix SparkeUSI Club  / NSWRA
Rhiannon CastleUSI Club / NSWRA
Coach:  Lucy GlanvilleUSI Club / NSWRA

Each day was very busy with sessions covering skiing technique, shooting technique and how to improve on the Range. In the evening, there were dry-fire sessions and education sessions. The athletes were able to listen to a range of coaches and work out from their learning, what works for them and what they could change to achieve better skiing or shooting outcomes when racing.

Coach, Lucy Glanville, advised that the Camp had been very beneficial to her as a coach and she was able to learn new ideas regarding technique and how she could coach more effectively.

At the end of the Camp, the AUS athletes were part of a time trial event, which was their first time on-snow racing for 2 years and for Rhiannon her first-time being part of an on-snow .22 biathlon event!

After the Camp, the team moved to Forni Avoltri for a further week of training and racing at the ITA Cup on 11 and 12 Dec 2021.

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